School of Performing Arts. LLC.

Performing arts for everyone

Stretching and Reaching: Starlight’s vision for 2018 and beyond

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Stretching and Reaching: Starlight’s vision for 2018 and beyond

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1514910257403{padding-bottom: 80px !important;}”]With the new year ahead of us, I think this is a great time to share our vision for the near and far future of Starlight Studios.

For those who don’t know, our studio started out in 2009 with nothing – no money, no dance floor, and no students. With a few years of barely making it, we moved into our own place in 2012 (where our Alpha dance room and the music room currently reside). With the help of donations, we fashioned the place with what we had, and later paid for our first dance floor from bake sales and jewelry fundraisers. In 2015, we expanded into the space next door and expanded our class offerings as well.

Now its 2018. We have a great studio family and classes in many styles of dance and music. We perform dozens of times a year around our community and share our love and passion for what we do. Our goal for the future is to do the same, but on a grander scale.

We plan on launching our very own children’s theater program this year (auditions March-April 2018) as well as possibly expanding our music program to include more instruments and group lessons. A special needs dance program is also in the works.

Beginning in the Fall 2018, our classes will be scheduled in 16-week semesters like a college calendar, which will make curriculum streamlined and moving up levels more quickly a great possibility. The extra time in between semesters will also make it possible for us to share special workshops, camps, and events.

In the next 5 years, we are excited to announce that our goal is to open up an all-encompassing performing arts school, complete with our own theater, dressing rooms, classrooms, store, cafeteria, and more. Classes in stage lighting, set designs, orchestra, and costuming will be added. We want to bring theater, dance, and music to the masses of our community. We want to provide jobs to help people to live and we want to produce art to help people feel alive.

This exciting (and albeit, daunting) endeavor will take a lot of time, work, and help. We will be doing studio fundraisers and events periodically to aid with costs, so we will keep you posted. If anyone has been blessed with abilities that they would like to share as well, please let us know.

Until then, Happy New Year! May 2018 be amazing and full of blessings for all![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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